Rue La La is having a sale on Rock & Republic for Women and Men. There are not any trendy fashion jeans, but a lot of great staples and they are going you may want to hurry! There are also shoes accessories (random, I know).
Jeans are priced at $119-129 from $198-275.
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Gilt Groupe is having a sale on William Rast and there are some really cute styles here! Jeans are all $89-99 from $179-265 so get going!!! You won't be disappointed.
This is an invitation only sale so click here or visit:
Billion Dollar Babes is having a sale on Denim of Virtue. Most styles are bootcut or straight leg...nothing to write home about, but some good basics can be found.
Jeans are priced at $62-81 from $176-230.
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