Red Carpet: The 2010 American Music Awards  

November 23,

Sunday, the 2010 American Music Awards took place and *gasp* for the first time in a looong time, I saw more good looks than bad! The celebs have definitely stepped up their style-game this time around...and I hope they keep it coming!

The Good

I thought that newlywed Katy Perry looked very pretty in a pink Badgley Mischka Couture gown. I guess we can thank Russell for that glow that she's emanating.

Kelly Osborne has really been doing an amazing job at consistently keeping her fab! Her hair and makeup gave her a soft  feminine look, and this Dior gown looked amazing on her! The only part of her look that kept her from flawlessness are those awful tattoos. Ugh.

I don't frequently wave the Keri flag, but right about now I am TEAM KERI! Keri Hilson looked gorgeous in this Sammy B gown and was accessorized perfectly.

I'm still trying to figure out what the back of this gown was doing (I pray to God that it isn't a bow and wouldn't think the folks at Marchesa would do that), but from the front view, Miley Cyrus was stunning! The 18-year old has finally transitioned into adulthood, and it suits her!

Parents-to-be, Pink and Carey Hart get my Cutest Couple award of the evening. And sorry Pink, but Carey was bringing the umph that night. He looked pretty darn hot.

This is the one and only time you will hear me say that Rihanna's fiery red 'do looks good BUT, I'm not giving her the credit. I still maintain it is a bad decision and needs to go ASAP. For the life of me, I cannot understand why she won't let it go. However, for this moment only, I'm giving the credit to Elie Saab for creating a beautiful gown that happened to match this hair, and Rihanna's hair stylists who made this hair look real for once and saved it from its usual Raggedy Annish state. This is the Rhi Rhi I miss.

Is it just me or lately has Jada Pinkett Smith managed to look like a little bronze Emmy award on every red carpet?...Oh well, this was no exception. She glowed (literally and figuratively) in this custom Emilio Pucci gown...and she certainly always knows how to accessorize.

The Bad

This gown that Christina Milian is wearing is doing everything, but IT. I just don't understand...why is there so much going on?Do I look at the embellished shoulders or the sheer cleavage or the shape that the silver material creates? Do I try to figure out if the sheer material is lace, chiffon, or both? Should I wonder if a simple shoe/boot would've fared better than that matchy embellished shoe? Well you know what? I don't know, I'm tired of thinking, my eyes are tired, and I give up! Let's just say that her hair and makeup look great...NEXT!!!

Cheryl Burke looks great from the waist up...stunning really. The gown is pretty and is a great color too. It wasn't, however, the best pick for her body type because it accentuates her wider hips and emphasizes unbalanced proportions. Oh, and I give two thumbs down for the shoes.

Now you guys know I love me some Heidi Klum, and I hate to do this, but this dress is looking a little weird to me. Perhaps its just a bad photo (I mean, we all know Heidi has an amazing body), but why does her rise (the area between the waist and crotch) look so darn LONG?! It looks like the torso of a mannequin.

"So I'm just going to go get my nails done, have lunch with a friend, and maybe stop by the AMA's..." Yeah, that's what I imagined Natasha Bedingfield saying earlier that morning. In general, nothing is wrong with this outfit...but that's just it, its an the A-M-A's. On a positive note, I'd love to wear this to work.

The Ugly

For a moment, lets just forget that the pairing of these pieces is ALL wrong; just please observe that this is...a guy.If you're a guy and want to wear women's apparel....Ok, I guess. Just please make sure you bring it.

Nicki Minaj.*sigh* So much too say, but so very little desire to bother saying it.

Phoebe Price...ditto.

Wow, somebody needs a hit song...and fast. Ke$ha is trying to steal a page from Lady GaGa's book on maintaining the spotlight. #fail

The Miscellaneous

There was nothing outstanding about Stana Katic's look. Obviously, she looks great, but her hair? Oh, that hair! It looks like it came straight out of a Pantene ad! I love it!

The Black Eyed Peas look just that...miscellaneous. I sometimes wonder if they discuss what they are wearing before they go to events or if they just go for it...

The Smith Kids. I mean, really...did you expect them to come in a gown and tux?

Taylor Swift's ensemble isn't doing anything for me (or her), but her hair and makeup look fabulous!

The Men

Ok Ne-Yo! I like! Formal brown is a tricky color to work with, but he definitely pulls this off from head to toe.

Very nice, but Trey Songz just always looks good.

Aw, isn't this cute? Boy bands, Backstreet Boys AND New Kids on the Block got together for a group photo. Why so many ill-fitted pants though?

Battle of the Wardrobe  

August 31,

As a young child, I was never a frilly, pretty-in-pink girly-girl. I preferred cute separates in bold colors...and fortunately for me, so did my mother. However, bold colors were about the only thing my mom and I had in common in determining what should be in my wardrobe. I remember us going head-to-head about a lot of things. There were a few larger battles that come to mind...

The Battle of the Uniform
Black/white saddle shoes, blouses, skirt sets, and dresses were must-have staples in my back-to-school wardrobe. Mind you, I didn't even have to wear a uniform school but apparently my mother wanted me to look like it. She could care less if I looked "cool."

The Battle of the "Playclothes"

Because what's worse than wearing clothes you didn't really like in the first place? Old, outgrown, and often elasticized clothing that you hated and now had to put on as after-school gear to wear around the house. I could not catch a break.

The Battle of the Boys' Pants

The two pairs of navy and tan cargo cords that came from the boys' section. "I don't want these! These are boys' pants!" I exclaimed. "No they're not," my mom said. Oh they were definitely boys' pants, but my mother had decided she liked them so I was going to wear them. Fortunately for my budding self esteem, none of the other kids my age seemed to notice as I don't remember being teased about them.

The Battle of the Punky Brewster Sneakers

I may have lost the war, but I won this battle! I loved all things Punky Brewster, and when those high-top converse-like pink, blue, and all kinda color sneakers came out, I had to have them. My mother? Not pleased, but she gave in. Looking back on those and some other things I would've chosen to wear, I see that my mother had my very best interests at heart...because I had a tendency to gravitate towards tackaliciousness. So here are one of those moments where you look back and say "Ha! My mom was right..." Who would've thunk it...

So, here my I am as my adult self. I am all about fashion and self-expression and I still don't believe that little girls have to be dressed in pink and boys in blue. I do, however, believe that I no longer have a penchant for tackaliciousness. So I'm looking at some of the fun free-spirited kids today and I wonder..."Several years from now, will they cringe at their fashion choices?" and "To what extent should a parent dictate their child's style?" Let's examine a few kids from two of my favorite families: The Jolie-Pitts and The Smiths.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

What a little cutie. She's all that we expected she'd be and more. Over the past few months, this little one has adopted her own look...and its everything BUT girly. I really like and admire that at such a young age, Shiloh can look at her big sis Zahara in her girly dresses and be independent enough to say she doesn't want to wear that too. However, many (including myself) have raised an eyebrow at Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's recent wardrobe choices. Its not that she's not dressing like a little girl, but she's almost dressing like a Lets be honest, the kid has style. If this were a little boy, he'd be on the Best Dressed Kids list. BUT, he is a she.

This is what Angelina had to say about it:

"Shiloh, we feel, has Montenegro style," she said. "It's how people dress there. She likes tracksuits, she likes [regular] suits. She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys' everything. She thinks she's one of the brothers."

So here are my questions: Do you think Angelina and Brad are going too far with allowing these wardrobe choices? Or do you think that more parents should be this encouraging of their children walking to the beat of their own drum? If Shiloh was a little boy who wanted to wear girls' clothes, do you think they'd go with similar free-spirited antics and allow him to wear dresses? And WTF is "Montenegro style???"

Willow and Jaden Smith

One word comes to mind when I think about these kids - pizzazz. These kids aren't just wearing outfits, they are setting trends. Rumor even has it that they may be coming out with their own clothing lines soon.

Their looks are a little wild. I don't know one single kid that could go to school with these outfits and come home unscathed. But the reality is that these kids aren't going to regular school. And nobody can say much of anything because their mom is fab, their dad is Will Smith, and they can buy any little punk that tries to come at them with that day's lunch money.

So here is my question: Would you allow your kid to dress in this style or would you want them to conform to one that's more traditional?

I hope my mom is reading this because I'd like her thoughts on this too. I really applaud these kiddies because I believe that its not so much what they are wearing, its that they are confident enough to do it.

Red Carpet: The 2010 Emmy Awards  

August 30,

Yesterday, the 2010 Emmy Awards took place and none of the looks were really standout to me. Everybody in general looked...nice. This doesn't mean I am devoid of opinions, however:

The Good

Jayma Mays looked great in this Burberry gown. I love the gown, I love the fit, and I love navy. Kudos to Jayma!

Kim Kardashian wore a Grecian-inspired Marchesa gown. Kim is a master of red carpet looks, she ALWAYS looks gorgeous.

I thought Claire Danes looked radiant in this soft-pink sequin gown. Her hair and skin color really accentuated the overall color palette.

Rutina Wesley went a little overboard on the body oil and I am not feeling the shoes, but she looks fabulous in this dress. The fit is wonderful!

The Bad

Anna Paquin wore this Alexander McQueen gown that had all the makings for me to love it...but, something went wrong with the skirt. The seam at the waist and the awkward cut of the front hem makes me uncomfortable. Oh, and I think Anna should've eased up on the chunky bracelets due the heavy embellished neckline.

Dianna Agron in Carolina Herrera. No, your computer is not making you see double...its the dress. I either want to snatch off that bottom skirt, stitch the top skirt into the bottom one, or put an unattractive woman in it because it looks funny and draws the eye away from the face.

January Jones...this gown looks kinda off, doesn't it? The "Like a Virgin" Madonna-esque bodice, the heavy train, and  black shoes are just turning. me. off.

I've seen Lo Bosworth put more effort into a night out at Area nightclub.Come on girl! This is the Emmy Awards!

The Ugly

Christina Hendricks really upsets me. She has such an amazing figure and doesn't know how to work it. She can wear stuff that most women can't, yet she wears stuff that no woman should.

Lauren Graham's gown is looking very fashion school projectish.

The Miscellaneous

Uh oh! Is navy one of the hot colors?! I sure hope so. We've got another one - Lea Michele's navy Oscar de la Renta isn't the hottest gown, but she looks great in it.

Heidi and Seal always look good...that is all.

The Men

John Krasinski is definitely outshining his woman in Prada.

The quintessential man on and off-screen, Jon Hamm shows us how dapper he is Giorgio Armani.

I'm liking the pairing of Peter Facinelli's white tie with his Dolce & Gabbana tux.

Mark Salling looks interesting in Calvin Klein. It looks more wet than leather or something. I hope it looked better in person.

I'm not a fan of Nelsan Ellis' look either. I think if we took away the hat and the bow tie, we'd be off to a good start.